Wednesday, February 11, 2009 wedding plan...

wedding plan?

aku suka jelajah blog org. xkesah la yg aku kenal or xknl. tp skrg nih aku dapati tag nih femes lak temasuk dikalangan bloggers yg aku xkenal.
so,aku nk buat dgn ikhlas tag nih.

1. How old are you?
22years 5months

2.Are you single?

3.At what age do you think you'll get married?
after 27 maybe.instinct aku kuat mngatakan aku kawen lambat even klu leh aku nk tamatkn zmn bujang awal2.

4.Do you think you'll marrying the person you are with now?
i dunno. maybe yes if mampu btahan.

5.If not, who do you want to marry?
pon aku tatau.xde sape2 pon dlm list back-up aku.

6.Who will be your bridesmaid & bestman?
bridesmaid??hurm..maybe izzatie or maybe uih..(uih..pastikan ang xmengalahkn pengatin nnt..hehe :P) bestman?? biar laki aku pilih sndirik nnt.

7.Do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
traditional aje. sebaiknya aku nk bt sesimple yg boleh. yg pntg dpt bjimat. garden/beach ongkos lebih lak nnt. kesian poket aku,laki aku,mak bapak aku.

8.Where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
dlm negara je pon xpe. tmpt yg sejuk or pulau.

klu nk hbt skit.."apa!!abg nak bwk sy g jepun!!nak!nak!" (sambil sengih selebarnya) :P

9.How many guests do you think you'll invite?
tgk budget.nk jmput semua kang papa kedana lak aku lepas kawen. tp aku akn ingt kawan2.especially bdk kls bitm n yg rpt dgn aku. :)

10.Will that include your exes?
bt masa skrg aku xde ex. so xleh nk include. :)

11.How many layers of cake do you want?
berlayer2 of cupcake.. (gila cupcake skrg) :)

12.When do you want to get married, morning or evening?
mesia nih stended knduri kawen 12tghr-5ptg.sanding dlm kol2. gila bapak panas time tu.gerenti peluh ketiak. nikah aku nk mlm sebelum ari knduri.sng.xpyh mntk cuti pnjg2. bt knduri byk2 kali.

13.Name the song/tune you'd like to plat at your weedding
perlu ke?biar smple je la. xde pon xpe. klu ade pon,of coz le lagu slmt pngtin baru n lagu2 bhgia spnjg zaman yg akn diputarkn.

14.Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon & fork?knife?
tetamu mkn pkai tgn pengantin(aku) nk pkai spoon n fork.ade reason nape aku nk gn spoon n fork. tgn aku kecik,jari aku pendek.bila mkn pkai tgn,smpai terlebih zon lak. xsopan lak nnt.

15.Champagne or red wine?
air blackaren.

16.Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
Days after the nanti2 pon xpe.tgk kemampuan dan tahap tidak membebankn laki sy. :)

17.Money or household items?
both oso can.duit dpt bg pngntin bt plhn sndirik ape yg perlu.household item??boleh stended org akn bg set cwn. untuk close fren (hnya close fren) aku akn bg cdgn ape yg korg perlu beli nnt.jgn riso.murah2 jer. klu yg mhl korg leh share. :P

18.How many kids would you like to have?
aku mau 4.

19.Will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
tgk keadaan

20. Whose wedding plan would you like to know next?
nad nisa
dilla burn
maznie (msti ko excited nk bt yg nih :P)


...cutting kecik2 aje.hurmm xmuat nih.harus berdiet sblm mampu muat dlm baju2 itu...


Anonymous said...

OK.. i'll dO it.. tqq~~

Anonymous said...

gler gedik tag!!hahaha.aku tgh wat gak tag nih..shepa tag..susah la tag nih..kegedikan diperlukan.ahaks~

Anonymous said...

hahhaha aku tau ang kmpem eksaited nk jawab. leh jadikkan reference tok laki ang nnt.. :P

Anonymous said...

i think i knw where the photo took place.

Anonymous said...

yup. of coz la u know.. u took it rite. :P

Nur Mazni said...

jahat gler..aku baru perasan ko tag aku..apsal plak aku excited nak buat benda ni??ni yg aku xpueh hati ni!! ~tp mmg excited pun..siap paksa burn tag aku..hahaha...~